OPEN HOUSE at Hughesville VFD
By Board of Directors George Franklin
October 6, 2013

We kicked off the 2013 Fire Prevention Week, by visiting the Open House hosted by Co. 2 in Hughesville, Maryland. Our Fire Prevention trailer had a special place reserved. Chief Jeremy Mercure a former member of our Co. 4 extended a warm welcome to his old friends from Ridge. On display was the entire fleet of Co.2's apparatus, Tower 3 from nearby Prince Frederick, an armored truck, Charles County Sheriff cruiser and K9 unit, the Cobb Island Fire Prevention and Recruitment Retention trailer, an ambulance and the Ridge Volunteer Fire Departments trailer with Utility 4A. We also were allowed to take a peek at a historical fire truck Engine 21 which is in the restoration stage.. This was their first new apparatus purchased. They also had one of those bouncy fire engine units for the kids to play in and all kinds of fire prevention materials and equipment on display. The event was catered by the Hardesty Haven trailer.l
Members attending: Vice President James Raley, firefighters Karen Raley, Quinton Ridgell, Auxiliary Life members Peggy Vallandingham, Snookie Raley, Auxiliary members Mary Wise, Frieda Franklin and firefighter George Franklin.