Fire Prevention Day at St. Michael's
By Board of Directors George Franklin
October 9, 2013

On Wednesday October 9, 2013 we hitched up the Fire Prevention trailer and headed to St. Michael's school for Fire Prevention Day. Our team set up the trailer and began giving presentations at 0900. We started with the Pre K students and finished up with the 3rd graders. The DVD "Safety Bear" and escaping from the smoke filled bedroom was the exercise for the day. After lunch we went to the gym and Phil Cooper spoke with the 4th through 8th graders. "Prevent Kitchen Fires" our fire prevention theme for this year was our main message, but other fire prevention tips were also stressed.
Members attending: Vice President James Raley, Safety Officer Phil Cooper, firefighters Karen Raley, George Franklin, Life Members Peggy Vallindingham, Snookie Raley Margie Cooper, Auxiliary members Mary Wise and Frieda Franklin.