Move Over for Fire / Rescue, Police and Now Tow Trucks : It's The Law!
By Assistant Fire Chief Eddie Raley
November 2, 2014

Effective October 1, 2014, tow trucks are added to the Maryland State "Move Over" law. The law is intended to provide extra barrier of safety for police, fire and emergency rescue personnel, and now tow truck drivers. Motorist are required, when approaching from the rear of an emergency vehicle or a tow truck with its lights activated, to safely change into an available lane away from the emergency vehicle. If no lane is available, motorist must slow down to a resonable and safe speed as they pass the emergency scene.

The move over law is a primary offense with a fine of $110 and one point. If the violation contributes to a traffic collision, the fine will we $150.00 and three points. Contributing to a crash resulting in death or serious injury, the fine is $750 and tree points. Please use caution when approaching and passing by motor vehicle accidents and emergencies.