New Scott SCBA Training
By Assistant Fire Chief Eddie Raley
March 23, 2015

Municipal Emergency Services, Inc. representative Eddie Stillwell conducted a training session to our members on our newly purchased self contained breathing apparatus. (SCBA). The purchase of the SCBA's were funded by the Federal Assistant to Firefighters Grant awarded to us last year. Mr. Stillwell demonstrated the differences between the new SCBA's and the current equipment we have in service now. He did an in-depth presentation on each component of the new Scott X3 airpacks and SCBA masks. Members were instructed on the use of the system including the buddy-breathing components, pass alerts, voice amplifiers, displays and the cylinder snap change system. All members in attendance were able to get their hands on the SCBA's and use them.

Members will be required to participate in several training scenarios in a controlled practical environment utilizing the SCBA's in upcoming department drills. We plan to have the new apparatus placed in service by mid summer of 2015.