Injury Prevention Tips During National Burn Awareness Week
By Public Information Officer / Fire Prevention Officer Scot Best
February 10, 2021

As a part of Burn Awareness Week, the Ridge Volunteer Fire Department would like to remind residents of safety tips and precautions in hopes of preventing burn-related injuries.

The American Burn Association (ABA) estimates that each year, approximately 400,000 people receive medical care for treatment of burn injuries in the U.S.

The theme of the 2021 Burn Awareness Week is “Electrical Safety from Amps to Zap (A to Z)!” in an effort to remind people of the potential risks from unprotected outlets, improperly used extension cords and other electrical hazards.

We can’t stress enough: please don’t misuse extension cords, and if there seems to be something wrong with your electrical system, whether you have a cracked outlet or if your outlets feel unusually warm to the touch, call a professional to check it out and make any needed repairs. These are steps that could save you and your loved ones from serious burns and other fire and heat related injuries.

The following electrical safety tips are provided by the ABA:

- Major appliances should only be plugged directly into a wall outlet. Do not use extension cords or power strips. Only one heat-producing appliance should be plugged into an outlet at a time.

- Before use, always check cords for cracks or frayed sockets, loose or bare wire and loose connections. Never use electrical cords that are broken or frayed.

- Extension cords should be rated for extended use. Never use an indoor extension cord outdoors.

- Never have plugged extension cords running underneath rugs.

- Never plug a generator directly into a household outlet. Hire a qualified electrician to install a transfer switch for emergency generator use.

- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems should be inspected annually by a qualified service professional to check for any electrical problems.

- To prevent shock, keep electrical devices and outlets away from water.

- Never pull an item from an electrical outlet by the cord, instead pull from the base.

- If you see a downed power line, stay back at least 20 feet and call 911.

- Circuit breakers that are frequently tripped are a sign that the circuit can’t handle the demand for power. If this occurs, move appliances to other circuits or have an electrician check your household system.

- If you notice unusually warm switches or outlets, stop using the switches and call an electrician to check the wiring.

- Stop, drop and roll if you or your clothing are on fire.

- In the event of an emergency, always call 911.