Each year, the third full week in March is National Poison Prevention Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness of poison prevention and safety, as well as awareness of poison control centers and the Poison Help Hotline (1-800-222-1222).
In 2021, Poison Help responded to more than 2 million human exposure cases; on average, receiving an exposure case every 15 seconds. Some of the leading exposure substance categories included cleaning supplies and cosmetic/personal care products - all of which are common household items. Unfortunately, 3,809 poison-related deaths were reported in 2021. This number serves as an important reminder that while poison exposures and accidents do occur, they can also be prevented with education and awareness.
The best prevention of a poison emergency is to have POISON HELP's contact information on hand in case of an accidental exposure. The Ridge VFD would like to remind you to add Poison Help’s number, 1-800-222-1222, in your mobile phone and display it in your home and at work in case of an emergency, or if you have questions. You can also text POISON to 797979, so save the number in your mobile phone. Calls are free, confidential, and answered by experts, 24/7/365. |